go ahead send them off to school 

i wouldn't send my kid to an american school for any reason ever... they don't educate them they tear them down and hurt them.. Education is the most important thing in life next to health so why would you send them to school in schools that are only going to make them into ignorant, mean, greedy little american assholes and get them sick at the same time? Well i don't have to worry since i don't have kids and will not be having any. Having kids is the worst thing you can do. I wouldn't bring a kid into this shithole and put them threw the kind of stuff i've had to endure. Beside you double your destruction of the earth. On top of that overpopulation is stupid and shows mankind for what it is, a greedy self centered, destructive species that is on track to be no only the most destructive but the shortest existence too..We will be a flash in the pan and the world will heal but nobody will ever know why.. We are idiots of the highest order that think we are great, special, made in the image of god, well that must be one stupid god. So go ahead send them off to school in the morning, roll the dice and hope not to crap out cause that is what you'll be doing. Gambling with the lives of you children. Sickness and death for we the people so the few can continue to live of profits while the many are told to suck it up and blamed for not having a savings account or rainy day fund. It is time to do what is good for all of the world and stay home. The ultimate form of revolt, stop working , stop buying, and tell the few, the super wealthy to suck it up. Heck they can afford it... I cant. I cant afford to live, get sick, die, or leave so i guess you call that slavery and most of us are in the same boat. Revolt!!

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