Police dont stop crime!  

Police dont stop crime! They profit off it so to stop crime would shut off their funds.. Its not in the interest of the police and "justice" system to end crime therefore they create crime. The police even go as far as helping and encouraging would be criminals.. Authoritarianism is a slippery slope and the usa fell long ago during nixon and reagan and clintons war on "drugs" The death of freedom and the continuous punishment of authoritarianism have gone unnoticed by the white mid upper classes or they may just be in mass denial but it is very real to the poor. For the majority of us the unfulfilled promise of freedom and a better life have been filled with fear of the "man". being beat down, arrested, then punished for the rest of your life for B.S thought crimes like all drug laws are. It is long past time for we the people to rise up and take back what we have given. the power and wealth they enjoy from the fruit of our labor can be taken back as quickly as its was given. went the masses stop blaming themselves and look to the true source of the strife and give up the wealth worship and envy then together we will make america rise up in a new birth of freedom and all of us will be free forever. But as long as poor blame poor and the few are left to run the world in their own favor then the suffering is are own. All of it every death. Every life not lived to its full potential, we are guilty of. as long as the sick are allowed to go without and the hungry are left to starve then we all share in the bleme. And as long as we have to count on a cop or a judge to stop crime and "keep us safe" then we can never be free. Freedom is the answer. Giving everybody the chance to better their lives threw hard work and the merit of doing no harm is only realized if we the people have universal healthcare, affordable housing, and fair employment practices. The right cry for "deregulation" yet want cops to regulate your lifes, who you can mary, what you do with your body. The "left" well their really is none in the usa. They were all arrested or deported in the 50s and since the media and the rest of the system have buried all leftwing political discussion. At best we have "centrists" in our "left" or "democratic" party. Both sides love cops and authoritarianism even if their constituents do not. And "left" "right" doesn't make any difference. It is Authoritarianism that ruins either sides argument. Freedom not more policing and more laws. Give the people a chance and crime rates will fall forever...

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