Ignorance is not a virtue.. Lying doesn't mean you are smart. 

Trump is an idiot!! His followers sinners... Ignorance is not a virtue.. Lying doesn't mean you are smart. It quite the opposite.. Being born rich doesn't make you a success.. America is about to fail and its the "patriots" and people that chant "USA USA" that have destroyed it.. The idiots they cry about having to wear a mask and don't see that a mask gives us back the privacy we used to have and a lot of us have never even known.. These "patriots" talk about the 2nd amendment and tyrants a lot but when tyranny arrives they use their guns to support it not fight it.. All of us are losing while the very few are making historical gains. Never has so few had so much. Yet the "patriots" support the few and will fight and die for them. Why? We don't need the few to rule over us. "A government of by and for the people shall not disappear from this land" unless we give it away to the few like we have been doing since reaganomics and the end of the "middle class" and the death of the "american dream"..Democracy is just about to go the way of the dodo. Its been watered down and sold off but some of us still hold it dear.. The republicans call it "Mob rule" because to them "we the people" is a mob, to be feared. And in this time when most Democrats are just republican lite its hard to see the reason for taking part and voting but it must be done. Votings and civic engagement is just the beginning. We must in a government of by and for the people have to study the issues and pay close attention to our elected "leaders" and make sure they are representing our best interests and not just the interests of the few.. Being an American is an ideal its not a flag or a pledge, its not a race or a religion. It is not a class either. Being an American is being involved and not just letting the few rule over us...

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