The liars will keep lying. 

The liars will keep lying. The corporate owned republicans and the "centrist" dems will keep things as they have been. Its time for real change. the time for the promises of the past to be filled. Freedom, equality, representation, a fair shot, a better life/world, many times the few have dangled the carrot of democracy in front of us but still we are waiting. The longer we wait the more power and wealth is concentrated it to fewer and fewer hands. The BS is thick and its time to flush. We the people must take the power of numbers and use it. The few will take and keep taking until we stop giving. Handouts to billionaires and corporations that operate above the law and are anti-american hurt every person on earth minus the few. The few, around 250 families that own everything are traitors to america and the world. They have sucked societies down causing suffering and death on a scale beyond any criminal organization. They profit off of wars then profit off of rebuilding. They also profit from both sides too. They have no loyalty to any country or religion. Greed is their only god. The wealth worshipers and yes men that do the bidding of the few are also traitors. They turn on anyone at anytime to further the will of the few. Selling out entire communities of people for a couple zeros on a computer at some bank somewhere. Not to mention the wholesale destruction of the earth and its many ecosystems. We have to act or the human race will be the most destructive and the shortest lived species to ever call this earth home...Sad

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