Lights inside of people??? 

Injecting disinfectant !!! Holy Sh-t !! Trump is NUTZZZZZ!!!!!! Stupid as FU-KKKKK!!!!!!!!!! His BORN RICH lazy as- is antithetical to what america is suppose to be. He is "A Taker" the republicans biggest villain, "a taker" someone that takes from the USA instead of giving. The good old USA, place where everyone is equal under the law and where you can make a better life for your family. Through the merit of hard work and moral living you can be FREE to live as you deem it fit . Do no harm and none will be done to you. But buy regulating our personal lives and criminalizing some thoughts the fascist right has handicapped the people. All in order to control them and to secure their power and fill their greedy empty souls.The rightwing is wrong! The far left is misguided but they are all about "fairness, equality, and democracy." The right on the other hand, its just plain wrong.. Wealth worship is a sin and thats their entire party line.. The only other defining factor of the republican party is their hate of the left and its selfless giving message( even if its just a front ). To the rightwinger life is "survival of the fittest" when in reality what is best for all life is best for all life. When you go all in for your own you only harm yourself and everyone else.. Beat the rich!!

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