It's Not Too Late!!!!

Before the big business of giant world wide religions there was the first, true, and my personal religion. It has no name or book and there is no priests or popes. Everyone is a member and its free. Judgment is left up to nature and common sense. You are not shamed, frightened, or forced to do or thinks anything. Personal choice and responsibility are celebrated along with logic, reason, and humility. No radical claims of Hell Fire or Judgment Day. Each one of us has a "Judgment Day" everyday, every second of our lives. Worship and prayer can be anything for a small showing of friendship, showing you care, too large acts of giving and Love. Worship also includes taking care of ourselves and our world. As far back as we go this "religion" this way of life has existed. The Church of, well that’s it, the Church of just being alive and aware. Looking at the questions, the mysteries that arise due to that inane fact that we are here. In this day of information and technology the things that make life important, special, even spiritual have not changed. Even with overreaching laws ans a Government that does not respect freedom in general let alone religious freedom it is more important than ever to do the right thing and be a good person. The greater or personal impact on the world around us the greater our responsibility to each other and to our planet. The celebration of life and all that is good should not be discouraged in these harsh, polluted, and outright filthy times. I believe this to be “Life After Death” and Earth can be “Heaven” or “Hell” we decide. The world of God is here and now, don't waist it.....

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