Work for ?

How does somebody give their most precious gift "their life" to some rich guy. Toiling away for some fat rich guys pleasure. Will they throw you a bone today? Have you ever had a boss that talks down to everyone even though he is the boss at a fast food dump or got his job by favor and has no knowledge or talent? Nobody wants to be working Mon. morning yet the boss has to make it worse. Think they do it to fill a void, to make them feel better about being total losers? There is a way. You don’t have to take it. I am sure if you take a step back and think about it you will find there are many different ways for you to make the change. What are you good at?  An E-Bay store, guitar lessons, or whatever it is you do. It is hard work but you will never have to bend to some small time managers will. Even though it means going without, being poor with little hope for change, and allot more work(24 hours a day) I still chose to be my own boss.  Where do you stand? Does anyone like being a slave to micromanagement?