look at the graphs everyday. It is bad, real bad.. 

Go look at the graphs everyday. It is bad, real bad.. The covid19 is not going away anytime soon and the long term effects are way worse than we know. Stay home. Its time for the super rich to pay back a little. We the people need to take it from them if they will not give it back. We give them their wealth and power and can take it if they cant fill their role in a free society. When so few have so much its only going to get worse and this is just the start. Instead of doing what is good for all, the few will use this as an opportunity to take even more . We are told to earn our money and to live off savings when times are tough while the wealthy few must live off profits and if they aren't then the entire world suffers so they dont have to. We are told to blame other poor folk for the state of things. That the "takers" are bleeding the system dry. Well its true. Only the "takers" are not the poor, they are around 250 families that own everything. These elites are the true criminals. The few super rich and the cronies that make it happen are crooks. They live above laws and countries. No patriotism, only greed and lust for power. People that have no loyalty to "we the people" are in charge and need to go. With the promise of america faded and a better world no longer an option "we the people" must do our civic duty and act. To start, the wealth worship we indulge in so fanatical these days has to stop. The me above the rest attitude too must end. Only together can we succeed and thats why they push race, realigion, and countries. Dividing us and alienating us solidifies their hold on power but also gives us the true power. The power to say "bullshit." Beat the rich!!

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