America was not a commodity to be bought and sold 

Been running a very small business for 10+ years and some help any help would be life changing but there is no opportunities given to people in my place (poor)....The majority of handouts go to the wealthy. The narrative is always about poor "takers" but thats all crap. Its "socialism" for the rich and surfdome(crony capitalism) for the rest. "People over profit" is treason to the wealthy and their worshipers. This county thrived for years after the great depression due to oversight of businesses and government. Making the few pay their fair share and insuring taxes were spent on "we the peoples" best interests was an intent along with helping the poor... it wasn't happening all the time everywhere but people tried. People gave their freedom and lives to the idea that America was not a commodity to be bought and sold but a group effort that everyone is crucial to and should get back a chance for a better life..

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